Friday, June 26, 2009

Bluefuzz Takes a Stand (7 of Clubs)

Well card-song fans, it appears we have passed the halfway point in the deck. Hopefully you have been betting wisely and doubling down where appropriate. I have been a little behind, but just dealt out 3 new songs (face up) for your listening pleasure. Please enjoy and ante up any comments you may have on any of our songs...

Bluefuzz Takes a Stand (mp3)

Orion's Belt (3 of Diamonds)

Orion's Belt (mp3)

Truth or Dare (Jack of Hearts)

Truth or Dare (mp3)

Friday, May 29, 2009

Hermione (Queen of Clubs)

Hermione (mp3)

The main homemade instruments used on this song featuring the Bobby Pin Finger Piano, 3D Transparent Plastic Guitar/Bass, and the Cake Top Tympani with Rubber Band Wrapped Twig Mallets:

Thursday, January 29, 2009